Today's program for your training
8 x Scorpion
10 x Reverse Scorpion
4 x Walkout with hip stretch
4 x Jefferson curl w. rotation
10 x Elbow rotations
6 x Muscle clean
8 x Good morning
6 x Thrusters
A) Hang Power Clean
4 sets of 3 reps TNG Hang Power Clean
Rest as needed
Start with this weight in the next part
4 sets of 3 reps Hang Power Clean
Rest as needed
Comment: Not TNG this time. Start with the weight from before and add more weight over the 4 sets if possible.
b) Front Squat & Back Squat
4 sets of: 4 front squats + 4 back squats
Rest 2 min between sets
Comment: Go straight from front squat to back squat. Do some warm up sets and use a RIR 2 on front squat. RIR= Reps in reserve (performed with a weight where you can do 2 more reps before failure).
1: 9 Goblet Squats + 9 KB swings @16/24 Intermediate: @20/28
2: 12 KB Cleans
3: 50 Single unders/ Single Crosssovers
3 rounds of:
12 x Hamstring curls (with band)
8 x Reverse nordic curls
Rest as needed
Comment: TNG = Touch and Go. Do some warm up sets and then build up in weight over the 4 sets.